Monthly Archives: March 2007

The Google background check

Traditional criminal checks have protections for employees built-in to the system, courtesy of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). State laws also serve to protect the subjects of employee background checks. Some criminal records dog job candidates longer than they would like, but at least the person is notified about the problem, and there are mechanisms for correcting inaccuracies. But in the Internet era, employers are increasingly using sites such as Google and MySpace to vet potential employees. What are the implications? It is easy to see why the Google background check is so popular. It is free, instant, and [...]

By |March 7th, 2007|Categories: Criminal checks, Employment screening, FCRA|7 Comments

What are the legal requirements for a nanny background check?

If you are a consumer, as opposed to a business owner or human-resource professional, you probably do not run background checks very often. Maybe to check out a boyfriend, or a self-check prior to interviewing for a job. These are all casual searches that do not affect someone else's job, credit, or housing. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) doesn't apply, and there are few legal issues involved. But the rules are different for nanny background checks. In hiring someone to look after your children, you will almost certainly want to run a criminal check, and maybe a driving record [...]

By |March 1st, 2007|Categories: Employment screening, FCRA, Legal|0 Comments
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