Retailers and the FBI join forces to fight crime
The FBI announced today that it has been working with two major retail networks to launch a database that will fight retail fraud. The database is called LERPnet and will provide a centralized repository for information on retail crime, including theft, fraud, and "online auction issues". The service is expected to launch Monday. It features free access for law enforcement personnel and is only $1,200 per year for retailers. Although it is not officially live yet, LERPnet already has over 40 retailers signed up -- some of them very well-known -- and over 14,000 criminal incidents entered. Given the negligible [...]
Keeping sex offenders safe in Scotland
A while back, we reported on the efforts of the Ohio legislature to label cars owned by sex offenders by issuing special license plates. Some argued that this was too intrusive. However, taking a look at the world situation, it appears the United States is out in front on this issue, at least with respect to Scotland. The United States offers a free national sex offender registy, supplemented by many state ones, which can pinpoint offenders on a map and paint a color-coded picture of unease across America. In this country s.o. crimes are unique in terms of the registrations [...]