Monthly Archives: April 2008

How a church uses background checks

Seems like lately we've seen story after story about how one church or another didn't do background checks that should have been done. So it was great to see the story in Christianity Today about how one church uses background checks and other tactics to preserve the safety of the children in its care. The article is titled "Playing It Safe." It's about how they handle background checks and other security at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois. You should read this piece whether you're a church or a business or a day care center or any other [...]

By |April 2nd, 2008|Categories: Background checks|1 Comment

Bad communication can wreck a good policy decision

The headline pretty much said it all: "CMS: 'We blew it' on staff memo." CMS? That's Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Here's the story of what happened. The school system has been doing criminal background checks on new hires for years. When a teacher was caught shooting heroin on school property and when it turned out that same teacher had a history of drug abuse, the school system decided that they ought to check out current employees, too. So far, so good. The idea was to take steps so that students and teachers in the system were kept safe. Background checks for current [...]

By |April 1st, 2008|Categories: Criminal checks, Employment screening, True crime|0 Comments
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