If SentryLink prepared a criminal report about you, and you believe we made a mistake in the presentation of your record, please contact us and we will investigate the issue.

Refund Policy

For criminal checks and other search products:

For criminal checks or social security traces the result "No records found" is considered a successful result and no refund will apply -- in providing the report, we are certifying that this person has no criminal records in the database (for criminal reports), or cautioning at the lack of SSN records (for SSN traces).

We will not refund fees for cases in which the user enters incorrect information, nor is SentryLink obligated to rerun a report with corrected information.

Because our data comes from public records, we cannot guarantee that information will be correct. We urge our customers to review the Coverage section of our site for details on exactly what we cover. Criminal records in particular may have anomalies for any of the following reasons:

  • The person was not convicted -- arrest records alone do not generate a criminal record.
  • The record was expunged or sealed
  • The offense was under a different name or date of birth
  • The jurisdiction made an error in recording the name or date or birth

For these reasons and the fact that we pay for every search submitted, we cannot guarantee full satisfaction for our search products.